This scholarship is in honor of Matthew Hopkins, whose young life was cut short on April 21, 2009. Matthew was a hard working, driven young man who enjoyed life to the fullest. He studied hard, took honors and advanced placement classes, and knew what he wanted to do with his life. He had a passion for baseball, and wanted to go to MIT to be an Engineer. Matthew was a quiet leader who led by the examples that he showed to his friends and classmates. He was the kind of leader who made good choices, just because it was the right thing to do.

The applicant must be a senior at Mt. Spokane High School. We would like students who are interested in pursuing a career in Engineering, but that won’t disqualify you from receiving this scholarship.
The applicant must follow all of the regulations outlined in the application:
a) While there is no minimum, GPA will be a factor in determining who receives this GPA will be a factor in determining who receives this scholarship.
b) A 300 to 500 word double-spaced, typed essay on what qualities you have that exemplify the qualities listed above that describe Matt Hopkins, and why you would like to receive this scholarship.
c) A current letter of recommendation from your counselor at Mt. Spokane High school, who can speak about your work ethic, character, and leadership.
d) A current copy of official transcript. While there is no minimum number of honors or AP classes needed on your transcript, rigor of coursework will be a factor in determining who receives the scholarship
e) The applicant must also show involvement in community and school activities.